Is there anything better than a paperback book? Actually, Yes! A signed paperback book. 😆
I have a small, but very cherished collection of signed books. I know how really special they are to receive and have on your shelf! And that is why I was determined that in 2019, I’d make signed paperback sales possible for my readers.
I don’t get out to conferences much (I’m working on that!). But, that’s ok. The internet has a way of making the difficult a bit more achievable. And so, after some tweaking and troubleshooting, I finally launched signed paperback sales HERE!
Full confession, I actually had the page done over a month ago. But I wanted to make sure all the kinks were ironed out. And they are!
Which is good timing, because there are some big gift-giving holidays coming up. And, you know, getting a signed paperback is pretty awesome. 😉
Some recent changes have me off the road and in a very cute apartment in Brattleboro, Vermont. That is what led me to my new friend and writing partner, who is sitting on top of my books. Cuilleach always questions what I’m doing, if I’m not writing. Soooooo, I’m happy to say the writing is picking up in pace and going well!
I’ll tell you more about that soon and share some things from my newest WIP, Dark Uprising, book 2 of the Caillite Ré!
But for now, I just wanted to at long last let you know SIGNED paperbacks are now available. Though, the supply to arrive before the upcoming holidays is limited. So, jump fast if you want one! Cuilleach doesn’t come included, but if you fall in love with him, I know the store in Brattleboro who has his kin. Drop me a line in the comments and I’ll point you where you need to go.