A Book Trailer Like No Other!
It took almost three years, but this book trailer turned out so well it was worth every bit of the delay! Enter an epic fantasy tale – through video!
It took almost three years, but this book trailer turned out so well it was worth every bit of the delay! Enter an epic fantasy tale – through video!
Milestones are meant to be celebrated! Born of Water was the FIRST ebook I published waaaay back in 2012. Oh, I know the current listing on Amazon says May 2015, but that is part of...
Did you know my epic fantasy novel of elemental magic, Born of Water, begins today? It’s true AND it is on sale from now until the end of the month.
I wouldn’t usually announce something that is still very much still in the works, but I’m loving the audio version of Spirit of Life so much that I just have to share! Plus I’ve been...
As I edit, I collect some of my favorite lines from the book to share later. Some are short enough to use on Twitter and others … well, they just beg to have a picture...
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