Let’s call it research…
See my husband and I are heading out on a trip. I can’t call it a vacation really. Because when you say “vacation” the idea of exotic locations, spas, beaches, and relaxation usually spring to mind. And that really just doesn’t fit what I’m about to do.
We are heading off to Labrador and Newfoundland, Canada. And we are taking the dogs (family trip!). And it is most likely going to be raining at least a little every day. And the high temperature is almost 70, which isn’t bad if you are in a car and not out in the rain and wind. But we’re hoping to get in a lot of hiking. Let’s not talk about the lows, because we’ll be camping the entire time. So yeah, a Jeep loaded with dogs, camping gear, food, traveling the most remote road in North America along with a LOT of mosquitoes … it isn’t a vacation.
It sounds more like an adventure.
Which is fine with me. I love adventures! It is why I write epic fantasy, because it helps bleed off my desire for travel to far flung places while safely ensconced on my bean bag chair on my porch. But every once in awhile I just have to leave the house. After all, how would I know how difficult the trek into the Alin Mountains in Rule of Fire would be if I didn’t trek off into the mountains once in awhile?

If I didn’t crave getting out of the house and going to amazing places, I never would have seen this mother sloth and baby who happened to come down out of the tree, something they do only once every two weeks, just when we were visiting Manual Antonio NP in Costa Rica!
I know now before setting out that things will NOT go as planned. Heck, we’d initially planned on taking the motorcycles … with dogs and lots of gear. Or maybe we’ll end up in Nova Scotia? I know at some point:
- I will be soaking wet and covered in mud.
- I will be hounded by mosquitoes.
- One of us will trip while hiking. As long as nothing breaks and the dogs are fine, I’m okay with this.
- I will be uncomfortable, lacking sleep, itching bug bites, hungry, and dying for a good cup of tea.
- There will be moments I really wonder why I bothered to do this.

I won’t say I’m an adrenaline junky, but I will say out of my mother, father, husband, and I that I’m the one looking REALLY excited about what we are about to do!
And there will also be two perfect days (probably not consecutive) when the sun is out (briefly) and serendipity will land something amazing in front of us like an iceberg or free lunch. Those will be number twelve days and make it all worthwhile in a way that can only happen if you slog through a handful of number two to four days. That is the prize of something amazing, slogging through crap (writing a book has a TON of hell days but the end result is always worth it!).
The majority of all pictures shared from the trip will be from those two days.

Another awesome adventure – reaching Machu Picchu at dawn after four days of hiking, including a 14,000′ pass, on the Inca Trail!
The reason I’m telling you this is because we’ll be gone awhile. I’m not really sure how long. Three weeks? A month? It really depends on how the trip goes, where we end up at, and a million other little factors. But just like this post, the blog will continue while I’m gone! I’ve scheduled out some great posts:
- An announcement about a new release that will really help fantasy authors
- A post with tips on how to create cultures for your world
- A post about the importance of names with an announcement attached!
So look for those in the coming weeks. I’ll be out of wifi coverage for most of the trip (heck, the Canadian government hands out satellite phones to people for this road!), so I’ll be behind on replying to comments. But I promise to get to them when I can. Hopefully I’ll be back after the last post is scheduled but if a Friday goes by without a one it means I’m still on the road or a trail … somewhere!
Have a great August everyone!

Previous trip with motorcycles, but no dogs! 🙁